I've been tagged by my buddy Czar . Here are the rules: 1. Players start with 8 random facts about themselves. 2. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts. 3. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged Now that most of you would've had a good laugh after the GET OUT TRIP , time to dazzle you and simultaneously oblige my friend's tag. Here goes. 8 Random Facts about moi: 1. I CANNOT SWALLOW TABLETS. Not for anything in this world. The pill doesn't just go in and I don't know why. Give me a nice, yummy Cadbury's Eclair and I'll gulp it down in one go; hand me an ordinary paracetamol and I'll sniffle and kick-up a fuss which can't even be matched by my 6 year-old cousin. I prefer to stay healthy and if I do fall sick and am forced to take the bitter pill, I BITE IT and CHEW IT. To the uninitiated to this sickly act , you've got to try it, it'll blow your mind away. I remembe...