
Showing posts from March, 2007

Goosebumps !!

After much deliberation, I've finally decided to take the leap into the vastly variegated world of blogging. Far too long have I had the misconception that blogging is an exercise of ostentation and blatant showmanship ; but as I sit here resting my hands on my lovely black Logitech keyboard I can see new doors open , new frontiers to explore , new opinions and viewpoints to express and that sets them GOOSEBUMPS running all over me . Music is something that I appreciate a LOT and PEOPLE would agree with that . My day starts off with me waking up , turning on my computer , going to the quicklaunch bar , clicking on iTunes and then diligently listening to whatever the player has in store for me . There have always been a select few songs which are a cut above the rest , I've developed a soft corner for them but today's been a revelation of sorts . " Cemetery Gates " and " Ta ki Ta ki Ta blues " - two seminal compositions that I've been glued to throug...