Goosebumps !!

After much deliberation, I've finally decided to take the leap into the vastly variegated world of blogging. Far too long have I had the misconception that blogging is an exercise of ostentation and blatant showmanship ; but as I sit here resting my hands on my lovely black Logitech keyboard I can see new doors open , new frontiers to explore , new opinions and viewpoints to express and that sets them GOOSEBUMPS running all over me .

Music is something that I appreciate a LOT and PEOPLE would agree with that . My day starts off with me waking up , turning on my computer , going to the quicklaunch bar , clicking on iTunes and then diligently listening to whatever the player has in store for me . There have always been a select few songs which are a cut above the rest , I've developed a soft corner for them but today's been a revelation of sorts . "Cemetery Gates" and "Ta ki Ta ki Ta blues" - two seminal compositions that I've been glued to throughout the day , GOOSEBUMPS every single time I listen to them . And the credit goes to two extremely gifted musicians , "Dimebag" Darrell of PANTERA and Guitar Prasanna . People reading this post, I suggest you stop dilly-dallying with your little man and JUST LISTEN TO THEM .

"Cemetery Gates" starts off slow, so melodic, so serene , followed by a sudden upsurge of aggression in the lyrics and in the guitars; but the part which really hits you is Dimebag's jaw-dropping solo . Close your eyes , shut the world out and attentively listen to the transition into the solo ; the feeling's overwhelmingly surreal . The tone of the guitar brings this inexplicable calming effect to the ambient music and as the solo reaches a crescendo it just dominates , leaving you in the throes of emotion so close to that moment of ecstasy . DIMEBAG - you're the MAN !!

"Ta ki Ta Blues " - self-explanatory combo of New Orleans-style blues with Indian Classical - Prasanna's trademark . Starts off with lovely vocal renditions and the drums doing a great job backing up .Enter Prasanna with his guitar ,and the sax in the background - GOOSEBUMPS . The intro's all well and fine , as we head further into the song Prasanna just unleashes himself on the guitar playing Carnatic ragas with distortion - GOOSEBUMPS again. The sax kicks in again , and the guitars back it up wonderfully . The beauty of the song is in its harmony , a lovely balancing act between the saxophone and the guitars ; the subtle drumming which retains the same rhythm throughout only adds value . GOOSEBUMPS galore .

That's the end of this post . I assure you there'll be a lot more GOOSEBUMPS posts .


CB said…
Yo cocksucker!!
Unknown said…
welcome culsec...
it's baille said…
saarang 2008 blog started pretty early :P
Vijay Shankar said…
Orey the cul(t)sec blogging and all.
SpankMac said…
paapi man!! didn't know, you too :)
hehe goosebumps indeed. i get them while listening to the last 50 seconds of Pantera - Floods.

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