I've been tagged by my buddy Czar.

Here are the rules:
1. Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.
2. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.
3. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged

Now that most of you would've had a good laugh after the GET OUT TRIP , time to dazzle you and simultaneously oblige my friend's tag. Here goes.

8 Random Facts about moi:

1. I CANNOT SWALLOW TABLETS. Not for anything in this world. The pill doesn't just go in and I don't know why. Give me a nice, yummy Cadbury's Eclair and I'll gulp it down in one go; hand me an ordinary paracetamol and I'll sniffle and kick-up a fuss which can't even be matched by my 6 year-old cousin. I prefer to stay healthy and if I do fall sick and am forced to take the bitter pill, I BITE IT and CHEW IT. To the uninitiated to this sickly act , you've got to try it, it'll blow your mind away. I remember being hospitalised at the institute hospital for a bout of amoebiasis ; the unsuspecting nurse handed me the pill and I chomped it down , poor lady was aghast and almost threw up. And was the bloody pill bitter or what !! I'm so scared of pills that I pray that I don't grow old and sick and forced to take tons of medication , I'd rather join the Jihad , whack Bush and go away peacefully.
The most Bitter Pill I've chewed on is CIPLOX TZ , beer would taste like honey if you can chew this one.
The most pleasant pill I've chewed on is SPORALAC , which tastes like banana custard.

2. I also happen to be EMETOPHOBIC , that is , I have a morbid fear of vomiting. I find the whole reverse digestion process , food coming back up your gullet and nose routine absolutely unbearable. Anything that makes me puke goes out of my list. For example , I got really and I mean really drunk on Vodka early in my 6th sem and then puked like 10 times in 6 hours , haven't touched the vile drink ever since. Almost had a similar incident with beer , and I was so desperate not to kick beer out so I got busy with a lemon and amrutanjan till the nausea subsided.

3. I am shit scared of little dogs especially poms. Everytime I am near a little dog , I get macabre thoughts of the irate( read 'hot') dog chowing down on my hot dog and have my family jewels for dessert. Plus being witness to my pal getting bit on his inner thigh by his "dearest little buddy" didn't help either.

4. I am an ardent, fervent , immense , humongous, gargantuan fan of Megastar Chiranjeevi's movie "Indra" , must've seen it like 12 times in my last semester. Chiranjeevi just pours himself into the role of Indrasena Reddy and the testosterone and adrenaline rush that his dialogues generate match none , well maybe a bungee jump. To realize what I mean try this . Ever seen or done something that makes the hair on your neck stiff and give you absolute goosebumps, well now you're getting close.In fact , the Megastar Chiranjeevi community in my orkut communities is the only one that points to my proud telugu roots.

5. This one's gonna shake the foundations for all the people who know me for the perv that I am. Until my 8th standard I thought your pee contains your "little soldiers"
and that you got to "whee!!" in the lady's "V" to get her preggo ( no chappals ladies !! sandals and designer Louis Vuittons would do!!). And then came the enlightening "Life Processes" chapters in class 9 and 10 which set the facts right. There's been no looking back ever since.

6. I have a thing for reptiles. If there's anything reptile-related running on Animal Planet or Discovery then I wouldn't change the channel even if Heidi Klum came strutting down the staircase and sat next to me in the wonderful piece of lingerie she wore for the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in December 2003. This affliction for the slithery creatures started with fear. I used to have frequent nightmares usually with the Spitting Cobra or The African Mamba as my evil nemesis , I usually got chased down to the edge of a cliff by the ruddy reptile and then due to the fear of getting bitten I'd jump and wake up. So I decided the only way to get rid of it was to educate myself and that's how it all started. I've seen and read enough about them.I strongly suggest Harry Potter try this out , he'd sit with Voldemort and his Basilisk and have an animated conversation while smoking the hookah.

7. I have an uncanny knack for remembering names and faces. If you have left an indelible impression on my mind then you aren't getting out of there that easily. The aforementioned Heidi Klum reference can be cited as a class example. An addition to this enviable skill is my ability to make "marked men" out of people who've let me down at some instant of time by their incompetency or malingering , such people would definitely be able to testify for this fact when they're done meeting me for a favor later.

8. I am a good cook . Not the 2 minute Maggi noodles type. The cut the onions, shred the coriander but pick the white flowers out to keep your stomach tapeworm-free, clean the chicken , crack the eggs and beat them to uniform thickness type. I can make some lip-smacking chicken curry and scrambled egg. Plus I like training myself when I'm home , taking tips from my mom . The latest thing I've been working on is the Dum Biryani. I'm not too confident that the lady of my life's going to be a gourmet chef (sigh!!). And the way to my heart is definitely through my stomach , extremely capricious stomach that too. So if she can't do it , I'll do it myself plus you cannot possibly discount the fringe benefits you'd get for feeding your woman ;) eh eh !!

Adios !!

Aaaaaaaaaand now I tag Aditi, Dharik , Ducky, Baille , Spanks , Dopey , KV and Rucha


Shrey said…
"whee" in the V... outrageous and hilarious...
though i think u forgot to mention how u remember the names of every freaking female that has walked the ramp on this earth even once...
Czar said…
Chunde, numbskull!

Firstly, you are supposed to link me when you say tagged, and not the guy who tagged me.

Secondly, I have already tagged KV.

Thirdly, KICKASS facts. The V knowledge does not come as a surprise, because generally the ones who are ignorant at some point of time go on to become experts. :D

Watch kill bill again, where in the one eyed haaaaat killer introduces the black mamba to her good friend. :)
SpankMac said…
ooh :) nice read.

i loved the pee in the V thing.

you made sure you gave your facts in good detail!
CB said…
Haa haa

Funny. Especially the Whee bit :-)

You still are the perv, remember? :P
Anonymous said…
mine certainly wont be this interesting...u re the third person i kno with the swallowing problem..reptile and dog thing i knew already...and i looove chauvanism too...
Abhishek said…
i remember chewing tablets in my early teens... crocin was the worst for me... although this was something that helped me look cooler than a few others even though its a weird reason for the same...
whee in V was the best part... this is the first time i'm remembering "like toy soldiers" by eminem... and giggling at the imaginative prospects that you have created
Paapi said…
@ abhishek

i was looking for a non-sexist , non-objectifying yet funny enough way to say it and there was no better way to say it than "whee in the 'V'" .....comment much appreciated dude
$@tt! said…
for fuck sakes, was searching sth completely-out-of-this-blogosphere context and ended up here to find this whiole lotta gangsters scam.

good to find you guys here.

and who the fuck is that that calling ppl chunde.


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