Yes people !! I am about indulge in one of my favorite pastimes , commenting and usually lambasting movies ( only there's less of the mouth this time , more of my fingers ). After a series of forgetful movie misadventures topped off by a horrendous catastrophe titled oh-so-unforgettably as JHOOM BARABAR JHOOM , I've finally managed to watch an absolute paisa-vasool movie , DIE HARD 4.0 shwiiiiiiing (you didn't get that , then go watch "Wayne's World")

Die Hard , oh Die Hard , what can I possibly say about Die Hard ?! I know !! I know !!

Move over Clark Kent , Peter Parker , John McClane's back and he's kicking some mean terrorist ass , make that e-terrorist ass for this sequel. Bruce Willis is back ladies and gentleman and how ?! Bruce just makes the whole getting hurt and bleeding to death routine seem oh-so-cool. He's like" Hey cmon now !! Let's jump out of a speeding car after calculating the trajectory of the car as it launches off the tool-booth at the end of the tunnel and smothers a helicopter with the evil dude's "flexible" lackies ? Aaaaand in the process if we do happen to end up needing a skin graft shaven oh-so-selectively from either of our inner thighs , we're cool with that .BUT THE BAD GUY'S JUST GOTTA GO "

Bruce Willis' demeanor throughout the movie makes it just seem so veritable. The occasional wisecracks , the resonant tone , the 2 day stubble ( on the head as well) , everything contributes to his macho-man image.I mean , you've got to hand it to the dude , there has to be something cool about him ; middle-aged-but-still-hot-and-taut Demi Moore's his ex-wife and the 55 year old Papa of three's now dating a 23-year old Playboy model , plus he's getting paid some 22 odd million US $ for the movie with additional income in the form of a percentage of the total influx. He must've got something right. Bruce also proves the fact that bald guys have more testosterone (the 23-year old Playboy model helps I guess). So fellow thinning-on-the-head Mintop-solution applying mofos, chill !! We shall prevail !! Take everything Leave Nothing !! Aaaaaaaaaarrrr !! Oops wrong movie....

OK !! Enough said about the bald dude with the attitude . I am not the kind of guy who ruins movies for other expectant viewers. I shall just enlighten you with a few highlights of the movie , things you've got to keep your eyes peeled for. Now the ladies reading this , I need to remind you - I'M NOT A PIG , I'M A VIRILE MALE SO I TEND DO NOTICE SOMETHINGS MORE THAN YOU DO

1. Maggie Q as Mai , the Asian Kung Fu chick with the sexy voice
2. Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Lucy McClane , her brief appearance keeps you occupied and yes she's a mean ass-whooping vixen like her old man, you might have seen her in "Sky High" ( if you actually bothered to watch the movie. I did cause it had Kelly Preston in it, John Travolta's lovely luscious lady)
3. Timothy Oliphant as the evil Thomas Gabriel,in what I believe is his most boring role to date , the dude was just so friggin brilliant as Elisha Cuthbert's agent in "The Girl Next Door"
4. The F-35 Raptor hunting John McClane sequence
5. John McClane in the cooling shaft fighting the nimble French dude sequence. I feel sorry for the chap , he had so much potential but he liked to show off. Reminds me of someone.
6. And the clincher has to be the John McClane - Sexy-voiced-lady fight where he insouciantly heaves the lady onto a set of storage racks after getting his ass handed to him ; and then revels at the vestiges of that asian-roughing up act viz. some wispy tufts of shampooed hair . The "Jeepers Creepers" dude's reaction cracked me up.

In conclusion , a great movie to watch. Go watch it and PLEASE DON'T TAKE YOUR GIRLS with you unless you're planning to do something rough in the night. (I just had to do that :P )


Rucha said…
hey!!I lovd it !!
I like your writing style, and I TOTALLY agree with you on darling Bruce:) Hes old enough to be my Dad!!fuck! Did I just have to think of that!!!!
Czar said…
Will watch it soon.

And whats with this bloody obsession of remembering names maaan?

Shrey said…
Hmm.. hope it comes on LAN soon..
And mama.. give the superheroes a bit of rest.. am getting confused...
Shrey said…
and ya finish Tipping Point and gimme a review.. thinking of starting in some time..
Ducky said…
Yipee-ka-Yay, Motherfucker :P
Anonymous said…
i dont watch diehard movies never did...but just reading your blog makes me want to see it.i even feel that like i understand wat u mean to say without actually watching the movie...hmmm..
Dharik said…
the blog and the movie :)
it's baille said…
hhmm..lucky you..all I saw was the preview on TV..I don't think people in my village are familiar with the concept of screening exotic motion pictures..
Islander baille from
the Island of Far Far Away
CB said…

Me too enjoyed DH4. Worth a watch. The 'wisecracks' are my favourite in the movie.
Gayatri Bhadran said…
My god.. I LOVE the way u write.. *bows down in respect*

This movie is on my 'To watch' list.

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