Formal Wear

It's been close to 6 weeks since I've started working as an intern at the Engineering Research Center , TATA Motors , Pune and by god am I exasperated or what !! The work is dull and mundane ; the project guide is a rotund , little dude with a cool-dude attitude who's lately been turning into a very irksome gremlin , you know - " A thorn in my side "," the blister on my ass " - I guess you'd get the idea by now. Well anyways now that I've vented out my frustrations regarding my guide in a very Rushdiesque sentence, back to the topic.

The only thing I've liked about working as an intern is: the FORMAL WEAR. Formal wear kicks ass . Nothing beats wearing a crisply pressed Herringbone Patterned Colorplus Shirt paired with a Wills lycra formals ( I wish I could endorse them :P). I take my own sweet time getting into the outfit , adjusting the tuck so the minute paunch doesn't show :D , admiring my polished appearance in stark contrast to the grease-monkey rocker appearance I maintain at college. I love formal wear. Wonder why Clark Kent prefers to strip them formals off to unleash a red brief on a spandex suit and an equally gawdy red cape to stop the boom crane from smothering a buxom blonde when he could do the same retaining them formals ? The blonde can go bust(no pun intended) her own burglars , I'm Superman only when I feel like it and that's when I ain't wearing any riding-up-my-ass 'crotch'ety underwear over a 'happy' suit.


Czar said…
2 things:

1. Hilarious post

2. The pun (bust) was fully intended. I know it.

3. Buy me a pair of those trousers and that shirt when you come to insti. (I know I am pushing my luck too far with that one.. :P)
knink said…
..and i thought you loved your guide!!! [:p]
SpankMac said…
caesar's said 2 things, but given 3.

and paapi! man.. reading your blog will be the ultimate test for me, whether i'm prepared for GRE or not.


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