
I'm exhausted . I'm terribly sleep deprived. I'm confused . I'm worried . I'm idling. I need to be working. I can sense time ticking away . I've put up a post-it , it reads -" DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME . TOO MUCH WORK ON HAND ". I look at it , but choose to ignore it. I spend nights discussing non-issues. I need rest. I need nourishment. I need to exercise a bit more , too much flab accumulating. I need to talk to the Dean. I need to sort out deals. I need to work smart. Oh my god !! where's all the time gone ?! I need to mug for my exams. I need to attend classes , oh fuck I just might be short of attendance. I need to focus on my B.Tech project. I need to breathe. I need to shatter this whole facade of strength . I can't always appear to be calm and composed when I actually am not. I need to freak out more often. Am I too uptight?! Am I a 40-year old flustering inside the body of a soon to be 22-year old ? Am I a good boy ? Where is this rage coming from ? Where's life taking me ? Will I make it ? So many questions . The unpredictability is getting to me . I am drifting , I can feel it ; I can only hope that I drift to a nice place.

Ladies and Gentleman . 4th and final year at IIT Madras. Eye opener.


Vijay Shankar said…
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Vijay Shankar said…
All of us are in the same boat.
You might just be under a little more pressure than the rest of us.
Still, on retrospection you might probably realise that your learning curve was steepest this year.
Gayatri Bhadran said…
yes.. freak out.. drive yourself crazy..! but not too crazy..

and yes you are a 40 year old in a 22 year old's body.. but thats alright.. THAT is why YOU my sir, stand out from the rest..

and you WILL drift to a more than nice place..! =)
Satch Boogie said…
so totally agree with the essence of this post man ... and to think of it, the perception is exactly the opposite ... i guess we now have to teach people to refrain from making comments like "eh .. 4th year da .. peace wonly" :)
SpankMac said…
I have to agree with satch boogie here. And Wiper when he says you might be under a little bit more pressure than the rest of us.

But MAN, this is nowhere close to how I expected 4th year to be.
Abhishek said…
ahem ahem... welcome to insanity!
sorry to say, but i think, there's more to come.
Vikas Shenoy said…
Hey, Just came across your blog!

May god bless you.. and ya that freaked me out. I prefer staying in the third year :-S
Karthik Boddu said…
evng man. jus been thru ur blog, n d recent post. gr88 words... was lost in identifying d flow, but after all dats how one can put his 4th n final year... keep goin.

Hmmm, paapi - my freshie year culsec ! Back then freshie year seemed like a nice dream, and now in 4th year, this post sounds so like me :) I wonder how u managed your time !

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